Staff at Johnsons Nurseries, based at Whixley near York, have raised £1,046 for Kidney Research UK.

Some 40 staff took part in the fundraising, walking almost 7,000 miles over 30 days in the charity's Move More April campaign.

Sales estimator, Hannah Reilly, who played a big part in organising this year’s challenge said: “I’m so proud to be able to give back to this brilliant charity, which is so close to our hearts, with kidney disease having impacted my family, as well as our transport manager Matt Campey.

“Well done to all those who took part. It has been overwhelming to see the incredible efforts of our staff in supporting this wonderful charity.”

This is the third walking challenge the company has organised during Move More April, having previously raised £736 for Cancer Research in 2022 and £550 for Perennials, the UK’s only charity dedicated to helping those working in the horticulture industry, in 2023.