My wife and I are old and need to go to York Hospital now and then.

Worse than any illness or treatment is trying to get to the hospital by car. Often the car park is full, as are nearby public car parks. The volume of traffic on Wiggy Road is incredible. Getting there by bus is possible, but to be sure of arriving on time for an appointment means setting off two hours ahead.

The best minds should be applied: traffic management, more parking, moving some of the hospital departments perhaps. Everyone is suffering, staff and patients.

Martin Whillock, Easingwold


Build another level at hospital car park

As a frequent attendee at York District Hospital (both as a patient and visitor) I was very pleased to see The Press giving prominence to the story of the appalling traffic queues outside the hospital (York council chiefs’ pledge over traffic at York Hospital, June 4).

The solution is very simple - erect another level onto the present car park. It wouldn’t be too expensive and it doesn’t need weeks/months/years of consultation.

Also, every Park&Ride should have ‘shared taxis’ to the hospital at peak times for £5 per person, with clear time-tabling to ensure returns.

Rosalind A Maggs, Church Lane, Dunnington