A hustings will be held for York's parliamentary candidates in the fast-approaching general election

York Central candidates will be at the hustings at Archbishop Holgate's School on June 27.

The in-person evening of debate and questioning will begin at 7pm, with doors opening at 6.30pm.

Rev Richard Nihill, School Chaplain, said: "We are organising this hustings event as a school since voting gives us the chance to exercise responsibility for the good of society.

"We can seek the welfare, and the wholeness, of the places where we live in all sorts of different ways, but participating in the political process is a key way.


"It gives us a chance to exercise our school values of justice, compassion, forgiveness and trust. To do this in an informed way we need to learn about what our local representatives plan to do for us if they are elected on July 4."

Members of the public have the opportunity to submit a question by emailing gavin@ahs.pmat.academy directly and they may be selected to ask this on the night.

The moderator for the event will be BBC Radio York’s Elly Fiorentini.

So far Labour's candidate Rachael Maskell and Conservative candidate Richard Hudson have agreed to attend, along with a representative of the Liberal Democrats.

The hosts say they are awaiting the response of the other candidates, who have also been invited. Tickets are free, but need to be booked via Eventbrite through the link herehttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/york-central-general-election-2024-hustings-archbishop-holgates-school-tickets-918892370817