Vote Green to sustain and enhance York's cultural

CULTURE is vital for us as a society and for York as a city. Our cultural and heritage venues have been victim to savage government cuts over the years. However, amidst the election debates focusing on grand promises made on minimal budgets, the importance of culture is often overlooked. But arts, heritage and culture are important to many people’s enjoyment of life and help boost mental health and wellbeing.

As the Green Party candidate for York Central, I am committed to championing arts and culture in the next Parliament. The Green Party has pledged an extra £5bn over five years for local government spending to ensure local museums, theatres, music venues, libraries, and art galleries remain open and thriving. Our Green MPs will advocate for VAT exemptions on local theatre and cultural events, as well as hospitality. Additionally, we call for visa-free travel for musicians to the EU, addressing the post-Brexit challenges they face.

By supporting the Green Party, you are voting to sustain and enhance York’s cultural vibrancy. Let’s ensure our cultural institutions receive the recognition and support they deserve.

Lars Kramm,

Green Party Candidate for York Central,

Manor Heath,



Reality of Starmer and Reeves

DURING this election campaign Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves are projecting themselves as would a couple of uncle and aunts presented with a family crisis - caring, arms around the shoulders, tissues at the ready, a do not worry we will sort it out approach.

In reality, both are ardent socialists, dedicated to an ideology which believes in the state having control over how people's hard-earned money is spent, individual freedom of choice suffocated by bureaucratic dogma.

Peter Rickaby

West Park



Bus replacement buses? There's an idea!

RAIL replacement coaches and buses are no strangers to our roads. Conversely, a Coastliner bus was cancelled this morning so passengers in the city centre had a longer wait than usual for their choice of public conveyance.

Could the rail companies operate a bus replacement service when passengers at bus stops are left in the lurch?

Fair’s fair, or to put it another way, fare’s fare.

There should be a reciprocal arrangement, although such mutuality may not be practical for logistical or infrastructure reasons. Perhaps bus replacement services are something to think about for the future…the distant future.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,



Back in 1966 - it was a bit different!

SO train crews refused to work overtime on the day of England's opening Euro match?

I was travelling by train on the 1966 World Cup Final day. A far more important match which England won. Yet there were no trains cancelled that day.

So what was the difference between then and now? Just so happens the railway system was a unified nationalised organisation.

Roger Backhouse,

Orchard Road,

Upper Poppleton,



Closure of service hits the lonely

A CIVILISATION is measured by how it treats its weakest members (Mahatma Ghandi).

The closure of the York Dial and Ride services in York restricts many of the most vulnerable in society, preventing the opportunity to mix and socialise with others in the same boat.

St Sampson's Centre in Church Street is a community hub for combating loneliness and social isolation.

By returning the dial and ride into service it will open the facility to so many lonely people.

D M Deamer

Penleys Grove Street




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