Closure of Dial and Ride service hits the lonely

A CIVILISATION is measured by how it treats its weakest members (Mahatma Ghandi).

The closure of the York Dial and Ride services in York restricts many of the most vulnerable in society, preventing the opportunity to mix and socialise with others in the same boat.

St Sampson's Centre in Church Street is a community hub for combating loneliness and social isolation.

By returning the dial and ride into service it will open the facility to so many lonely people.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




Tower could offer York's ‘Rome with a view’

I ENJOYED and was enlightened by the potted history of Severus Hill by York Civic Trust’s Dr Duncan Marks in the Press, June 18.

Fascinating. Thank you. Although a relatively modern structure, I think of the associated water tower as part and parcel of the same scene. The tower somehow completes the picture.

I like to think that Emperor Severus would be pleased with what has been done to ‘his’ hill, topped by this distinctive edifice.

I’ve already expressed the hope in your columns that the tower enjoys a level of listed protection though I fear it might not.

Many views of York have been painted. Some can be savoured in books such as the Civic Trust’s ‘Views of York’ published in 2012. I just wonder if the tower has ever been the subject of the artist’s palette. The structure would be ‘palatable’ from several angles!

Unfortunately, the chances of discovering a colony of the very rare but appropriately named Purple Emperor butterflies on the Emperor’s Hill, to complete the picture, are vanishingly small.

As the view of York from the top of the hill has been rightly lauded, if the tower could eventually be developed into a viewing platform even better views of the city and its surrounds would be afforded from such a vantage point!

It could be marketed as ‘Eboracum’s Rome with a View’.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,



Missing from Labour campaign

One important commitment missing from Labour's election campaign is of their loyalty to the Crown, is this because Sir Keir Starmer have previously indicated a preference for republicanism.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,



Heat plans come at cost

CHRISTIAN Vassie says it would be a good idea to heat tens of thousands of homes around Selby using geothermal heat from the old Selby Coalfield mine.

District heating on this scale would involve massive upheaval and astronomical cost to achieve.

I think it would be a good idea if Christian Vassie offered to pay for it.

Matthew Laverack,

Lord Mayors Walk,



RAFA club in York

AS the Wings Appeal Officer for the Royal Air Forces Association York Branch I should like to thank the residents and visitors to our city that regularly donate to our charity.

But I am surprised how many people I speak to that have RAF connections and are unaware of the RAFA Club at 3-5 Aldwark. We are open on Wednesday lunchtime and Saturday lunchtime.

If you are in need of help please pop in and speak to us.

Alternatively visit our website at

Ian N C Smith,

Stockton Lane,



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