HERE'S a revolutionary idea for the traffic congestion outside York Hospital in Wigginton Road - shut the multi-story car park and use the land for expansion to the hospital site.

Create a purpose-built car park on the ring road with a proper shuttle service to the hospital for staff, visitors and patients, with special disabled vehicles probably pre-booked to work in with appointment times.

If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain.

No hospital car park, no traffic, no problems. It's easy really.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




Scouts helps young people step up

I’m so proud that another scout troop has opened in York.

This is good news and means that now over ten more young people in York will be gaining skills for life, making new friends, preparing them for a brighter future.

They also get the chance to be active citizens, making a difference in their local area.

Why? Because as Scouts we make a promise to help other people.

Scouts helps young people step up, speak up and dream big.

It helps them play their part and take the lead, giving them skills for employment and education. We get outdoors as much as we can too of course, and we know this helps young people feel better about themselves and the world around them.

That’s the power of Scouts and wild. Now more than ever, our young people need the confidence and encouragement that Scouting gives.

Young people are amazing. They just need the opportunities and a friendly, safe and supportive place to discover their talents.

That’s where we come in. I’m so excited to see the positive impact 2nd Acomb’s second Scout Troop will be making in the community.

But this has only happened because of the hard work and dedication of an amazing team.

Scouts relies on the kindness and commitment of our adult volunteers. They give as much or as little time as they can spare, and they get out more than they put in – new skills, new friends and the reward of seeing young people grow into fantastic members of their community.

A very big thank you to every Scout, parent, carer and volunteer who’s made this happen. Together, we’re a force for good, helping shape a new generation. Be part of this amazing story and volunteer today.

Bear Grylls OBE,

Chief Scout


We need to go electric

STEPHEN Lewis's excellent article (Thursday June 20) regarding electric buses struck a chord with me because of my inspiration to build an electric Midas kit car in the 1980s.

However I could only create a petrol mini engine format for then.

So years later, I experimented and managed to create an all electric kit bike to compensate, enjoying many years of electric biking around our beautiful villages.

During Covid lockdown, my car kit with the aid of a film projector, stopped me from stir crazy in those uncertain years by flying around the moon with a bit of imagery trickery!

We do need to go electric and our council must create a cheaper way of electric cars delivery to fulfil our future needs!

Phil Shepherdson,




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