THREE players at a North Yorkshire golf club made the most of the summer solstice – making 1,253 shots in a long day on the course.

Selby Golf Course professionals Sam Wilkinson, Danny Cowell and manager Chris Goodhall played each played 100 holes of golf at the course in Mill Lane, Brayton Barff in aid of Prostate Cancer UK on the longest day of the year (June 20).

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Sam Wilkinson said: “This started out for us all as more of a personal challenge as to whether we could walk round all 100 holes and somehow maintain our standard of play.

“The biggest challenge for us all was nutrition and hydration.

“We were fortunate enough to have Mark Backhouse, Dale Vaughan and Clare Cross in a ‘support buggy’ carrying water, snacks and energy gels.

“I prepared various meals the day before to take with me such as pasta and chicken to help replace the carbohydrates and if felt like I never stopped eating!”

All three players said they know of someone affected by prostate cancer and messages of support on the donations page helped with the motivation.

Sam Wilkinson, Danny Cowell and Chris GoodhallSam Wilkinson, Danny Cowell and Chris Goodhall (Image: Kevin Glenton)

The day began at 4am and finished at 7.45pm, with other key stats including each player walking the approximate distance of a marathon, 26.65 miles, or 56,671 steps.

They were cheered on by family, friends and volunteers who took to caddying for the players to keep the spirits up and many of the club’s members surrounded the final green to welcome them home.

One lucky club member won a sweepstake, correctly guessing that 1,253 golf shots would be played on the day.

The JustGiving page will remain open for another seven days: