A MAN has been attacked by a group of men in a North Yorkshire village.

North Yorkshire Police say a man in his 50s was attacked in Brayton near Selby on Sunday, June 16.

It happened at about 8.30pm in Doncaster Road and the man sustained facial injuries in the incident that involved a number of younger men.

A police spokesman said: "Officers are appealing to anyone who was in the area at the time and witnessed the incident and to anyone with private CCTV or doorbell footage that may have captured the incident or the lead up to it, to get in touch.

"Two younger women were in the area at the time and we believe they could have important information that could help our investigation. We are urging them to come forward if they saw anything.

"No arrests have been made at this stage. The victim was not admitted to hospital at the time.

"If you can assist the investigation, please email Pauline.law@northyorkshire.police.uk or call 101 and pass information for reference number 12240106490."

If you wish to remain anonymous you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.