My wife and I, being disabled, were regular users of Dial and Ride. We, along with many others, really miss the service (Council urged to replace Dial and Ride service, June 22).

The whole thing is surrounded in mystery. I was told by the drivers that the first brand new bus broke down after about five miles, the second soon after.

I ask myself, where are the two buses now?

What have City of York Council done to see who can repair the two buses, at what cost?

Or is our council just going to shrug their shoulders and write off the £190,000 grant at the cost of many elderly people for whom this service is a godsend?

William Moore, Lochrin Place, York


Silly hospital car park suggestion

As we are in an election period it’s customary for the candidates to try and outdo each other for the prize of most stupid policy announcement of the campaign.

They need not have bothered, after reading DM Deamer’s suggestion that the hospital car park should be moved to the outer ring road to ease congestion.

This would be bad news for all those planning to visit the local A&E department. They would have to leave the city they live in, only to then catch a bus back in again.

Why not just go the whole way and get rid of the hospital? That will sort the problem out just perfectly won’t it?

It’s bad enough having to receive Third World care from a collapsing public health service, without adding insult to injury by making patients dependent on an equally failing public transport service.

Mr Deamer, please do stand for Parliament next time. You’d be right at home there.

Dr Scott Marmion, Woodthorpe, York


Stuck in the tramlines

Your recent nostalgia article (‘It has only taken York 90 years to rediscover electric transport’, June 20) speaks of the electric buses and trams that ran in York from 1914 to 1935. My old friend Don used to say that the removal of the old tramlines was the best thing that ever happened for cyclists in York.

Don once had his bike tyre stuck in the tramlines, and said he ‘had to go to the tram depot’ before he could get his bike free.

DM Deamer, Monkgate, York