Staff at a Thixendale rapeseed oil business and a Hunmanby brewery have raised £5,000 for charity.

Teams from Breckenholme (including representatives from Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil, Charlie & Ivy’s, and The Honest Bean Co and Wold Top Brewery met at Breckenholme Farm in Thixendale to walk 31 miles across the Yorkshire Wolds to Hunmanby Grange, home to Wold Top.

A team of 18 from Breckenholme raised money for HOPING York Street Kitchen. Wold Top director Alex Balchin and five others raised funds for St. Catherine’s Hospice in Scarborough.

Breckenholme co-founder Adam Palmer said: “It was a great team effort from both businesses that raised an incredible amount for the respective charities. It was a fantastic day: good weather made for amazing views and it was very rewarding to see the money rolling in and to have a well-deserved pint of Wold Top at the end!”

The team exceeded their £3,000 target and have raised £4,157 to date.

Alex added: “St. Catherine’s is a charity very close to our heart at Wold Top as they helped to care for our co-founder Gill at home in her last few months battling cancer. We were delighted to exceed our fundraising target of £500 and have raised £845 to date.”