Humberside Police’s chief constable has announced his retirement – less than one year after taking the job.

Paul Anderson was appointed in the role last July, after serving as the force’s assistant chief constable, then deputy chief constable.

He is now to retire after a policing career spanning 34 years.

Jonathan Evison, Humberside Police’s police and crime commissioner said, he will now start the process of appointing a new chief constable.

Mr Anderson said it had been a “privilege” to serve communities in Hull, the East Riding, North and North East Lincolnshire.

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“Humberside is an outstanding force made up of both officers and staff who are dedicated to making a difference to the communities they represent,”  he said.

“It has been a difficult decision to make to retire from the force but it is the right time for me personally to make this announcement.

“It has and will always be my absolute honour to have served the public”.

Mr Evison added: “Paul Anderson has made a valuable contribution to the performance of Humberside Police since he joined the force and has overseen a recent inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary which I believe will show the force continues to perform extremely well.

“Chief constable Anderson deserves much credit for that and I thank him for his service to the public.”