A York area stonemasonry and memorial business has gone hi-tech by working with a company that can deliver pictures, video and other memories from a gravestone.

Mindful Memorials (formerly F.Emerson) has partnered with After Cloud says some families find greater comfort in such a service, giving memorials greater personality and meaning.

The company, which has branches in York, Pocklington, Selby, Scarborough and Driffield, says using After Cloud's digital platform enables people to store and retrieve life moments and memories in multimedia formats.

Now, Mindful Memorials will provide customers with the option to incorporate a Timeline into their designs.

Timelines give people chance to reflect on moments that have shaped a family member or friends life using images, letters, audio and video. Applied chronologically, these assets are used to produce an interactive and multisensory narrative that can be shared using a simple QR code.

Capturing the experiences, achievements and personality of those that have passed, provides an opportunity for them to live on long beyond their death.

Managing Director of Mindful Memorials, Anna Buckley said: "The simple fact of the matter is that people don’t know what options they have when they are designing a memorial. As a business, we give our customers the time to reflect and to think carefully about the details that made a person so special to them.

“We see the Timelines as an extension of this. It’s a wonderful way to capture moments in time and to share them with family, friends and even those that have never met the individual. The fact that a simple QR code can deliver a multisensory experience is just incredible.”

CEO of After Cloud, Darren Evans said: "When we met with Anna and the team at Mindful Memorials, we were captivated by the similarities in our approach. It is our mission to ensure the unique life stories and legacy of those that have passed can be preserved for future generations.

“Unlike our ancestors before us, we have access to digital technologies that can capture moments in time. This means that we can pass on stories in multimedia format, ensuring the personalities of our loved ones are never forgotten.

“Timelines are a really simple way that people can adapt a memorial to include memories and moments in time. We are very excited by the opportunities that this partnership presents.”

For more information about Mindful Memorials, go to: https://mindfulmemorials.co.uk/after-cloud.