A FRIEND of alleged murder victim Luke Miller has told a jury about the last hours of his life.

Ellie Allan and Mr Miller was among a group of people who gathered at alleged murderer Taylor Fenwick’s flat in Tadcaster, Leeds Crown Court heard.

Ms Allan said in the early hours of Boxing Day, Mr Miller had argued with a woman in the flat and that she had been very angry with him.

She said Fenwick wanted people generally to be quiet because “everyone was shouting”.

She also alleged that both Mr Miller and Fenwick had taken cocaine.

Fenwick, 22, of Commercial Street, Tadcaster, denies murdering Mr Miller early on Boxing Day in the street outside Costcutters in his home street.

Giving evidence at Leeds Crown Court, Ms Allan said she had been friends with both men.

About 10pm on Christmas Day, Mr Miller had collected her in his car and taken her to the Broken Bridge pub where there were other friends.

Mr Miller had been drinking beer and she had had two glasses of wine.

At about an hour and a half, she and Mr Miller had gone to her best friend’s house before joining a large group of people at Fenwick’s flat shortly after 1am.

“We were having fun, just drinking, listening to music,” she said. She was drinking vodka with mixers.

Mr Miller and another woman had an argument that made both of them upset and angry. Asked about the general atmosphere, she said: “Everyone was annoyed, everyone kept arguing, then Taylor kept telling everyone to be quiet.

Later she said: “He wanted us to be quiet because everyone was shouting.”

During the time she was at the flat, Mr Miller and Fenwick had cocaine but no-one else, she alleged.

She said Fenwick asked her to leave and she did at some time between 5.30am and 6.30am.

The jury were shown a text message that Ms Allan sent to Mr Miller after she left the flat and before he died.

It accused Mr Miller of throwing her vape in her face and concluded: “You are not normal”.

Ms Allan said she remembered sending the text but couldn’t remember Mr Miller throwing a vap in her face.

Fenwick is alleged to have stabbed Mr Miller shortly after 7am with a hunting knife that police found in a street bin the following day.  

The jury have seen police footage of Fenwick vomiting over railings outside Costcutters after paramedics arrived at the scene and before the arrival of police.

The trial continues.