I live in the Leeman Road area and have done so for 36 years.

The place these days is terrible, it hasn’t been cleaned properly in ages (years).

We have weeds sky high, and massive trees breaking through walls on the back park near a children’s playground and right next to houses. The place is disgusting, I’ve never seen it in such an awful state.

I’ve started up a Facebook page called Forgotten York with loads of pictures on.

I’m contacting the council but it’s falling on deaf ears. All we want is a good clean and the place sorted out. Weeds, overgrown bushes and trees have taken over the footpaths. It’s unsafe and unsanitary.

Keith Hughes, Walworth Street North, Leeman Road, York


York looks disgraceful

At the moment York looks disgraceful. Rewilding is good but has to be done properly. York council has no idea.

There is dog poo in the long grass because people can’t clean it up properly. The weeds look awful and the whole place looks a mess.

The council are using rewilding - as they used ‘no mow May’ as an excuse to do nothing. So many people complaining, so many tourists disappointed.

Karen Hayhurst, Ancress Walk, York