I was taking Pippa the dog for a walk down the Fairy Trail that runs down the side of the River Foss recently.

We stopped to rest our legs on the metal bench opposite the beginning of Huntington Road.

It was a beautiful day, the sun shining and a pleasant breeze rustling the leaves on the trees.

I then observed a car parking on the other side of the River Foss.

A woman lifted a pushchair out of the car boot, changed the baby, then proceeded to throw the soiled nappy in an orange nappy bag into the foliage and set off into town.

A lovely day was spoilt by an ignorant person. The most annoying thing was that there is a bin a few yards down the road and she had to walk past it as she went into York.

The very next day I passed a family group - grandparents, parents and children - feeding the ducks.

Walking back later I came across two empty bread bags discarded on the river bank. A fine example to set for the children.

DM Deamer, Penleys Grove Street Monkgate, York