A FORMER North Yorkshire policeman who stalked his ex-partner has been fined and banned from contacting her in any way.

On one occasion, Joe Daniel claimed to be carrying out a police duty when he defied police bail conditions not to contact the woman, a disciplinary tribunal heard.

He had bombarded her with calls and messages.

His career is now in ruins after the stalking led to him being sacked from North Yorkshire Police for gross misconduct and banned from ever working as a police officer again.

Daniel was based in Scarborough when he was a police officer.

The 34-year-old, of Crossgates, Leeds,pleaded guilty to stalking the woman in February and March this year.  He  was fined £800, ordered to pay a £320 statutory surcharge and £85 prosecution costs at Hull Magistrates Court.

He was also made subject to a restraining order banning him from contacting the woman in any way for 18 months.

North Yorkshire deputy chief constable Scott Bisset said: "We welcome the conviction at court, which reflects our determination to root out those officers who have no place in North Yorkshire Police.

“The communities of York and North Yorkshire expect the highest levels of integrity and professional standards of behaviour from our officers and staff - Daniel's actions fell far short of that and we have taken swift action to ensure he faces the consequences."

The disciplinary hearing heard that Daniel was suspended from duty from November 2023 when he was first arrested following a North Yorkshire Police investigation into his relationship with the woman.

On March 28, despite being on bail conditions not to contact her, he called her to apologise for his behaviour and suggest they get back together again.

Later he  called again, posing as a North Yorkshire Police officer conducting a “welfare check” but she recognised his voice and asked if it was him.

The call was traced to a public phone box near her home.

Daniel told the tribunal hearing he believed his behaviour was due to his declining mental health which he said was caused by a life-changing injury he sustained in July 2023.