A NORTH Yorkshire college has unveiled plans to invest in a new generation of healthcare workers.

Selby College says its new state-of-the-art hospital simulation teaching ward is intended to help them to train the next generation of healthcare workers.

After receiving funding as part of the York & North Yorkshire Local Skills Improvement Plan, the college invested in new cutting-edge equipment in order to deliver innovative training and custom design new courses in healthcare.


This includes a mannequin, which simulates both prenatal and postnatal birthing scenarios, as well as newborn simulators which replicate a range of symptoms - creating an immersive training experience for the students.

Students can also test their clinical skills on the simulation mannequin by taking blood samples, removing catheter tubes from the bladder, treating wounds, and inserting feeding tubes.

Student preparing to take blood using state-of-the-art mannequinStudent preparing to take blood using state-of-the-art mannequin (Image: Provided)

Carla Cantrell, Head of Curriculum for Care & Early Years at the Heart of Yorkshire Education Group, said: “The Local Skills Improvement Fund has enabled us to enhance our healthcare provision and facilities, positioning us to respond to the needs and skills gaps within our local economy in this area.

“Our students are already commenting on how learning in a realistic hospital and care environment with industry-standard equipment is benefitting their learning, which they’re able to apply in real-life scenarios within their work placements.

One of the mannequinsOne of the mannequins (Image: Provided)

“This is also a fantastic facility for those who are wanting to kickstart their career in the healthcare sector, as we are able to teach the theory in the classroom and then demonstrate how it is applied in the hospital simulation ward.”

Healthcare student, Ellie Brown, said: “I would like to be a Paediatric Nurse in the future and the combination of the teaching and equipment we are using at the College is preparing me for this, which will be really useful when I progress onto university.

“When a child on my placement had an accident, I didn’t need to ask questions, I knew what to do straight away because of what I’ve learnt in the classroom.”