AN eight-year-old from a York school led an initiative that has ‘excited and motivated’ schoolchildren from over 8,000 miles away.

Althaeá Dickinson, who attends York Steiner School in Danesmead, was upset when she discovered many children around the world don’t have access to books and began writing to shops and organisations across North Yorkshire.

She said: “I think that if we have a World Book Day, it should mean all the children in the world are involved.”

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The response to the call out meant Althaeá received 1,091 books which she handed on to West Yorkshire-based Bambisanani Partnership, whose volunteers delivered them to South African primary schools.

William Vilakazi, principal of the Vumanhlamvu Primary School, said: “It is difficult to comprehend that Althaeá, at the age of only eight, has made all this happen.

“She is amazing - the world needs more people like her.

“My school serves one of the most deprived rural areas of the country and we have few resources.

“These books excite and motivate my learners and this initiative has also connected young people from the UK and South Africa.”

Althaeá said: “So many people have helped with this project and I would like to thank everyone for listening to me and for being so kind.

“It is great to see the children with books now.”

Darren Beardsley, chairman of the Bambisanani Partnership, said: “Althaeá is a remarkable young person who is clearly determined to make a difference in the world.

“Many people have great ideas but never actually do anything with them.

“Althaeá recognised an inequality and did something about it.”