The second of our historical picture tour of York’s city walls today takes in Walmgate and the section past Baille Hill to Micklegate Bar.

The importance of the old cattle market which once stood just outside the city walls near where the Barbican stands today is evident in several of these photos.

Stock pens for the market can be seen in several of the images - while the photo of sheep being driven through Walmgate Bar in the 1910s demonstrates that the market wasn’t for cattle only. Sheep, horses and other livestock were bought and sold here.

READ MORE: A historical tour of York city walls: PART ONE - station to Monk Bar

Our favourite photo on these pages, however, is the one showing Hills Yard in about 1933. Hills Yard was demolished in the Walmgate slum clearances not long after this photo was taken. The photo gives a sense of how crowded these slum areas were. But we love the glimpse of the city walls behind. And what on earth is a boat doing, standing on some kind of platform at the foot of the city wall?