AN East Coast business is celebrating 40 years in leisure and hospitality by announcing £1m of investment.

Bridlington-based Harrison Leisure operates owns and runs the Edwardian Grade-2 listed Old Floral Pavilion on the Bridlington seafront which it purchased from East Riding of Yorkshire Council in 2021 after being a long-serving tenant.

Employing about 100 year-round staff, full- and part-time, plus additional seasonal employees, Harrison Leisure can trace its roots back to the spring of 1984 when owner Michael Harrison, who is from a funfair background, started the business after moving to Bridlington with a couple of seaside children’s attractions and a food kiosk.

The group also operates the award-winning seafood restaurant Salt on the Harbour, The Brunswick Hotel and assorted arcade and leisure businesses including Jerome's.


Michael said: "Harrison Leisure has come along way in the last 40 years and is now in a position where we can justify making an investment of over £1 million into the group, including at The Old Floral Pavilion with a recently installed state-of-the-art kitchen, a new Edwardian-style wire polycarbonate and aluminium roof, newly equipped Jerome's ice cream and donut kiosks, and a new stage, sound and light system; in addition to extensive refurbishments of Salt on the Harbour and The Brunswick Hotel.”

(Image: pic supplied)
He continued: “Our most recent investment is to the western elevation of The Old Floral Pavilion, which is undergoing major refurbishments to bring the building in line with its history, whilst retaining the listed building status.

“This latest refurbishment will uplift the area and give the building a greater presence on the Esplanade, mimicking the eastern elevation on Royal Princes Parade."

The company says it has constantly invested in its businesses and staff over the four decades, something it believes has become increasingly important in rceent years.

Michal added: “Harrison Leisure is forever evolving and always looking for further opportunities to grow and prosper for future generations.

“We really want to grow the business here in Bridlington as we can't just let the negative impact of austerity, Covid, Brexit, inflation and energy price rises takeover and prevent us from investing in our futures, the futures of our businesses, the people here and the communities we live in.

“That's why we are investing, for a better future for us all, for our regular and new customers, for the local people of Bridlington and East Yorkshire. The company is also investing in local people by offering apprenticeships and further training for established employees.

“We have a family approach to our employees and genuinely care about their future and some of our employees have been with the company for over 20 or 30 years."