York-based Torque Law is staging a virtual Post-Election Employment Law Update next week.

The event during 9.30am to 10.30am Wednesday July 10 follows an earlier one which was sold out.

It will focus on the anticipated significant changes to employment law following the General Election on July 4.

Lawyers Tiggy Clifford and Emma Whiting will give a post-election round up of the anticipated employment law changes in the short and medium term, together with practical tips on steps which employers can take to prepare.

Topics likely to be covered will include: Unfair dismissal rights, Employment Tribunal process, Employment status, Flexible and family working, Equality law including mandatory employer reporting.

Whilst not taking the format of a Question Time grilling, there will be a chance for those taking part to ask questions and share their thoughts.

The event takes place on Zoom. For details go to: https://torquelaw.co.uk/