'No-one has ever been harmed by seeing a naked person'

I'D like to thank The Press for their balanced reporting of the York World Naked Bike Ride which took place on June 29, and those members of the public who understand why it happens and support our right to protest this way.

In cities all over the world, this protest and celebration takes place annually. We protest dangerous car-infested roads which should be safe for cyclists to use, and the system which bases most transport options on polluting fossil fuels.

We celebrate the diverse human bodies which power our cycles and other zero carbon transport.

Although some people seeing us are surprised, no-one has ever been harmed by seeing a naked person.

There are those who've been indoctrinated with the 'human bodies are horrible' idea, and I'm sorry if they're upset by what we do, but it would be good to shake off these restricting shackles.

Nearly everyone who sees the ride laughs, applauds and cheers - and they see our message about cyclist safety, which is why we do it.

John Cossham,

YWNBR organiser and daily cyclist,

Hull Road,


Thanks for your efforts on climate change

ALTHOUGH I hope that our new government gives the climate priority, I would like to thank those of my fellow York citizens who try to slow down climate change as far as they can by, for example, not making unnecessary plane and car journeys and, when they do have to use their cars, not leaving their engines idling.

Rose Berl,

De Little Court,

Vine Street,



Be grateful we live in a democracy

IF you’re electorally disappointed have the ‘bit-of-do’ (carefully sidestepping ‘party’ to avoid confusion), anyway. Your party may not have fared as well as you’d hoped or dreamed but go ahead regardless and celebrate.

Celebrate that however imperfect, we live in a democracy, which is great and something for which we should be truly thankful.

Many are not so blessed.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,



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