A drink driver was arrested after a tip off from a member of the public in North Yorkshire.

The member of the public phoned North Yorkshire Police after being concerned about the manor of driving by an individual in the Selby area.

“Our roads policing officers stopped the vehicle a short time later on the A1(M) motorway,” a force spokesperson said.

The driver was arrested on suspicion of drink driving at about 11.30am yesterday (Wednesday, July 3) after being breathalysed at the roadside and blowing a reading of 120 – over three times the legal limit of 35.

Later in police custody, the driver provided a lower reading of 103, the force spokesperson added.

The arrest comes as North Yorkshire Police announces it will crackdown on drink and drug driving in the county over the next four weeks.

Chief inspector Alex Butterfield, from North Yorkshire Police’s specialist operations team, warned that every driver “bears an enormous responsibility, both to themselves and others, every time they get behind the wheel”.

“I would like to thank the member of the public who dialled 999 and alerted us to this vehicle,” he said. “The swift work of our force control room and officers on the ground meant that we had it stopped within 25 minutes.

“We endeavour to act on all information provided to us and by calling us you could potentially save lives.

“As part of this summer’s campaign we will be relentless in our approach to catching drivers who make irresponsible decisions, break the law and put the public at risk.”

  • North Yorkshire Police said a man in his 50s was arrested on suspicion of drink driving in relation to the incident yesterday. He was charged and will appear in court later this month.