I'VE had the privilege of writing this column for over a year, exploring the vast landscape of mental health and well-being. Yet, there's one recurring challenge, the initial reaction many people have to the very phrase "mental health." Often, it conjures images of clinical settings, diagnoses, and illness.

This association, while not entirely inaccurate, presents an incomplete picture. Mental health encompasses far more than just mental illness. It's the foundation of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts how we think, feel, and act – shaping our daily lives, relationships, and choices.

So, why this persistent association with illness? The roots lie in the historical treatment of mental health issues. For centuries, people with mental illness faced stigma, discrimination, and marginalisation. Confined to asylums and subjected to horrific treatment, mental illness became synonymous with fear and shame.

This historical baggage contributes to the current misconceptions. Open conversations about mental well-being remain relatively new. Popular media often portrays mental illness in a dramatic and sensationalised way, further reinforcing negative stereotypes. Just think about how many times the word ‘mental’ is used in a negative way, in our day to day lives.

Here's the thing, just like physical health, mental health exists on a continuum. At one end lies flourishing well-being, while the other may hold diagnosable mental illnesses. The vast majority of us fall somewhere in between, navigating daily life with a mix of positive emotions, challenges, and stressors.

Think of it like this, everyone gets a cold occasionally. It's a temporary setback but doesn't turn you into a chronically ill person. Similarly, experiencing sadness, anxiety, or stress doesn't equate to mental illness. These are normal human emotions. Mental health concerns arise when these experiences become persistent, overwhelming, and interfere with your ability to function in daily life.

Here's where the conversation around mental health becomes empowering, and why I enjoy writing this column. The things we do for our physical health, also benefit our mental health, after all our minds and bodies are connected. When we feel great mentally, and we feel good about ourselves, we also feel more inclined to do more physically. Conversely, when we experience longer term, poor physical health, our mental health can be adversely affected; especially when we are unable to go about our usual daily tasks or have to stay away from work.

I’ll be covering some new topics over the coming weeks, giving more tips and ideas on how to stay mentally healthy, as ever, if there is anything you would like me to cover, then do please get in touch.

Martin Furber is a therapist. Contact: wellbeing@martinfurber.com

Please note: If you feel you are in a mental health crisis or emergency and may be in danger of causing harm to yourself or others then please contact your GP, go to A&E, call the Samaritans on 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258