York and North Yorkshire’s recently elected mayor has demanded the new Labour government works closely with city mayors to “drive the transformation that the country deserves.”

Businessman David Skaith, who was elected as the region’s first directly-elected metro mayor in May, agreed with his Labour Party that it was “time for change.”

Mr Skaith, who has already met Sir Keir Starmer to discuss how to boost regional economies Labour in May, today (Friday) offered his congratulations to the new PM Sir Keir Starmer and his government.

But he warned: “For the Labour Government to achieve real change, they must work closely with Mayors, who can deliver on the ground and drive the transformation that the country deserves.


“It’s also time to change the way that Government see York and North Yorkshire. We have a powerful role to play in supporting UK Government to achieve their aims for UK growth. I will be a champion for York and North Yorkshire and our potential for leadership.”

Mayor Skaith, who on his election in May, made housing and transport as his priorities, also used his welcome to set out a green agenda to his newly-elected government.

He says York and North Yorkshire needs to do more to become carbon negative, believing it has the capability and ambition to do so.

“Our innovation assets, our natural capital, strong support from industry and an ambitious business base all combine to offer substantial potential to deliver green growth.

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“Our strengths also position York and North Yorkshire to create solutions for some of the world’s biggest challenges, of food insecurity and sustainable energy generation.

“I will be positioning York and North Yorkshire as a powerful test bed from which resilience on nationally significant issues can be borne.

“By driving green growth, we can create wealth and tackle inequality in our rural and coastal communities.”

Mayor Skaith also said that a safe and affordable home is the foundation on which opportunity builds.

He continued: “The housing crisis in York and North Yorkshire is one of my biggest priorities. I will work to ensure that in meeting our own significant need for affordable homes, we make a significant contribution to national housing targets.

“It’s time to shift the dial for rural economies and position York and North Yorkshire alongside our more industrial neighbours. We’re not in competition, we complete the picture. It’s time for change.”

In a statement, Mayor Skaith added: “Finally, I would like to congratulate all MPs who have won seats in York and North Yorkshire. I look forward to working alongside you to help the region prosper and make York and North Yorkshire a vibrant place with opportunity for everyone.”