NEWS that University of York is giving up its tenure of King’s Manor is not surprising, given the under use of this glorious but dated facility and the cost of maintaining it.

Yet, it is sad news as the first students of the University were based there from 1963 until the Heslington (West) campus was built and it provided an initially strong, if decreasing focal point for the university and the city to come together.

The future of this historically most important complex of buildings is crucial to York’s ‘cultural quarter’.

The suggestion that it be the venue for a regional parliament has been mentioned but do we really need another layer of expensive politicians?

With architecturally sensitive upgrading of building services, IT installations and catering provision, it could surely become a wonderful cultural hub for York, a venue for open lectures, workshops, academic research and art exhibitions, lifetime learning opportunities: collectively an accessible and atmospheric forum for the cultural life of York.

It could be funded jointly by our universities and colleges, for whom an affirmation of their importance and relevance to all of us, in the city centre, should be appealing.

No other British city would have anything like it.

Chris Mason,

Hall Farm Close,



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