Two York copywriters are staging a free Q&A event this week to help small businesses learn how to boost their Google rankings and do their own PR.

Helen Reynolds, founder of Ink Gardener Copywriting, and Freelance PR Consultant Linda Harrison, are joining forces to host the live online event tomorrow (Tuesday July 9).

Entrepreneurs will gain specialist insight into how to boost their Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and secure top media coverage for their business during the hour-long session.

Freelance web content writer and copywriter Helen, who grew up near Scarborough, will be answering questions about SEO.


She said: “Think of it as an ‘Everything you ever wanted to know about Google, SEO and PR - but were afraid to ask' session. It’s a rare chance for anyone who runs a small business in York and North Yorkshire to pick our brains and gain valuable expert advice.

"For example, you might be wondering how to make your website more Google friendly - and ultimately attract new customers? Or want tips on how to stop your blogs languishing in the rankings? Just email us any questions in advance.”

Helen was shortlisted for the FSB Freelancer of the Year for Yorkshire and the Humber in 2023. She helps businesses, organisations and charities across the UK with everything from tailored social media posts to web content writing and website overhauls. Her projects have ranged from revamping Durham Cathedral’s website to catapulting a British-made hamper company to the top of Google.

She added: “I’ve worked on websites since 1997, so I’ve got a pretty good idea of what works. With SEO, there's so much you can DIY once you understand it, even if you class yourself as a ‘non-techie’ like me.”

Questions on PR will be answered by Linda, a trained journalist who grew up in Ryedale. Linda has 20 years of experience as both a staff journalist on regional and national newspapers, and also a freelance writer for publications like The Guardian, Daily Telegraph and Good Housekeeping magazine.

Linda, who mainly works with female founders to help them promote their businesses in local and national media, said: “There are so many inspirational business owners in our region with great stories to tell about their businesses and services. But while many would like to get articles about their business into their local or regional newspaper, they don’t know how to go about doing this.

“PR boosts your credibility and attracts new customers, whether it’s a story about your new product launch or service, or an opinion piece to place you as the ‘go-to’ expert in your sector. I’m on a mission to show that PR isn’t just for big brands. With an understanding of how to find great stories, write a press release and approach journalists, there’s no reason why entrepreneurs can’t do their own PR.”

There’s a lot of cross-connection between SEO and PR, which is where Helen and Linda got the idea for hosting the small business joint Q&A session.

Helen explained: “Getting stories about your business published in print or online tells customers what you do but also creates a valuable ‘backlink’. When a newspaper mentions or links to your website, Google sees it as a vote of confidence, and will rank you more highly. So, it’s worth blowing your own trumpet!”

The live Q&A session will run from 10am to 11am on 9th July.

For the Zoom link, please contact Linda or Helen, along with any questions you’d like answered, on: or