SO it is a landslide victory for Labour. But who really won? Apathy won - the 44 per cent who couldn't or wouldn't be bothered to get up and cast a vote in this latest election that dictates the destiny of the county for the next five year's.

The 44 per cent who didn't vote should hang their head in shame. Many people ruled under dictatorships look on with envy at our democracy.

The peoples of Ukraine are bleeding and dying for something that so many think so little of.

Shame on you all who didn't vote.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




Is it really a mandate for 'change'?

OUR worldwide renowned democratic system of electing a government has this time provided us with an administration with a huge majority achieved via a minority of the electorate voting in their favour.

Yet Starmer claims to enjoy an overwhelming mandate when in fact his “change” campaign elicited less support from the public than when Jeremy Corbyn was Labour leader.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,


... REGARDLESS of our political views it is interesting to note that Labour was elected on a landslide yet for every 1,000 people who are eligible to vote only just over 200 voted Labour.

Surely the system is wrong and needs looking at.

Richard Baldwin,




Cautiously optimistic that it will be 'change' for the better

THERE’S an old saying, ‘a change is as good as a rest’. Let’s therefore hope that the political change Britain has just experienced will prove to be more restful than stressful.

Now that the General Election is over it’s dawned on me what a nifty and effective one-word slogan was mobilised by Sir Keir and his cohorts. ‘Change’. Just that single word, ‘change’. Clever stuff.

For me, personally speaking, rather than via a ventriloquist, ‘change’ is a word that cuts both ways; ’change for the better’ or ‘change for the worse’.

Perhaps some people equate change with improvement but it doesn’t necessarily follow.

I’m cautiously optimistic, reinforced by the mutually respectful tone struck at the start of their speeches by Messrs Starmer and Sunak.

Meanwhile, in the Westminster version of the old party game ‘Stations’, it’s 'all change!’ For the better, we trust.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,



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