Plans for a £20 million redevelopment of a North Yorkshire town - including improvements to the town centre, transport, and public spaces - are set to be sent to the Government.

Scarborough is one of 55 towns across England, Scotland and Wales set to receive funding as part of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) initiative.

Next Tuesday, the plan will come before a meeting of North Yorkshire Council’s executive, where members will be asked to agree a series of proposals to enable it to be submitted to the Government by August 1.

The council has been working in partnership with the Scarborough Town Board to develop a 10-year vision document and three-year plan for investment.

North Yorkshire Council says there has been extensive public consultation with more than 1,600 people taking part in "Let’s Talk Scarborough" events in the town centre, as well as an online survey.

Full results of the consultation will be presented to the Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee on Thursday, July 11.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for open to business, Cllr Mark Crane said: "This is a hugely significant plan for Scarborough and a great deal of work has gone into getting it to this stage.


"We are very grateful for the input of the Scarborough Town Board and the invaluable contribution from people living in and around the town who have helped inform the process to this point.

"Obviously, there is now a new Government in place at Westminster, but we are confident that Ministers will understand the importance of this funding to the future of Scarborough."

The council added that a number of measures can be delivered within the town centre including the further redevelopment of the Scarborough station area in Westborough, improving the appearance of the town centre and the creation of more public spaces.

The plans are yet to be finalised and are subject to change, with final costings still to be decided.

Chair of the Scarborough Town Board, David Kerfoot, added: "Given the tight timetable imposed by Government, the board and wider team have worked extremely hard to get our submission to this stage.

"Consultation has been extensive, and we are grateful for this vital input.

"This will be of huge benefit to Scarborough and while there is much more work to be done, I am confident we can make a difference on the ground where it really matters."