LABOUR’S promise to tear up the green belt to build 1.5 million new homes is doomed to failure.

It expects the private sector to deliver those homes without a roll back of the costly choking burdens that come with just submitting a planning application; let alone the blackmail demands that come with any permission granted.

The whole point of being in business (any business) is that somewhere along the line someone actually makes some money. But in Labour think the prospect of “wealthy wicked capitalist parasites living off the backs of the workers” making a profit from house building is an anathema.

Also, there aren’t the skilled construction workers needed to build the homes and supporting infrastructure. After 25 years of ever increasing regulations and requirements heaped upon house builders the industry has been decimated and the workforce reduced accordingly. In particular small family firms that used to make a significant contribution to housing supply have steadily been squeezed out leaving an oligopoly of a few large companies. Those organisations cannot be compelled to build if they don it think it is a worthwhile enterprise.

The housing crisis is set to get worse.

Matthew Laverack,

Lord Mayors Walk,


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Thank you for your support in the election

I WOULD like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who voted for the Green Party in the General Election. Your support in York Central and York Outer has been phenomenal, and we achieved our best result ever in York Central, coming incredibly close to surpassing the Conservatives for second place.

This success is not just local but part of a national wave of Green victories. We now have four Green MPs: Siân Berry in Brighton Pavilion, Carla Denyer in Bristol Central, Adrian Ramsay in Waveney Valley, and Ellie Chowns in North Herefordshire. Their presence in Parliament will ensure that your voices are heard and that we continue to push for the urgent changes our country needs.

Our record national vote share and strong showings in numerous constituencies highlight the growing desire for a new direction in politics. From former Conservative strongholds to urban centres, voters are choosing hope and real change. However, it's worth noting again the unfair shortcomings of our First Past The Post voting system.

Thank you once again to everyone in York for your incredible support. Together, we are making history and shaping a greener, fairer future.

Lars Kramm,

Green Party candidate for York Central,

Manor Heath,



Commons sense

NEW Members of Parliament are saying that the House of Commons is too small for them all to fit in. I'll lay odds that they will all fit in (very nicely thank you very much) when they meet to negotiate their expenses.

M Horsman,

Moorland Road,
