For the first time, York Business School at York St John University and The company of Merchant Adventurers have collaborated to champion young entrepreneurs through a new innovation award. The Merchant Adventurers’ Innovation Prize was a two-phase competition in which final year undergraduate students across York Business School who had completed the Business Creation Project dissertation module had their 8000 word business plans marked by a panel. Following this the highest ranked submissions were chosen for the next phase of the competition.

The final four students- Ella Dandie, Evie Johnston, Jack Finn and Elena Hurley presented their business pitch to a panel of experts from York Business School and The Merchant Adventures Hall on June 24th. All students did brilliantly and showcased innovative thinking and creative thought, the judges were particularly impressed by their consideration of the social and environmental impact of the business decisions that they were making.

The Immediate Past Governor of the Merchant Adventurers, Mr Joe Horsley, presented the 2024 Merchant Adventurers’ Innovation Prize to Elena Hurley at a presentation and awards evening in the Merchants’ Hall. Elena has just completed her BA (Hons) degree in Management and Entrepreneurship and presented her unique idea for a new horror-based tourist attraction in York, an idea very well suited for the historic city.

Joe, an entrepreneur himself having developed two successful confectionary companies during his career said "I am delighted to make this award recognising an excellent achievement in developing a realistic and feasible business. To hear all the finalists' presentations and make the award in the Merchants’ Hall, that has been growing and supporting business for over 660 years, it is a really fitting end to terrific programme of business learning.  We hope Elena will launch and succeed in her business and remaining in York come and join the Merchant Adventurers in the future, she will be most welcome".

This is the first year of the with the University of York St John. As well as sponsoring a business prize with the University of York the Merchant Adventurers also sponsor primary school children to visit the Hall and also sponsor an extra-curricular Business Course for senior school children of York.  They are also about to launch an Apprentice award working with local colleges and employers.

There are plans to continue the award next year and beyond, with championing innovation and young entrepreneurs a key priority for both the Merchant adventurers and  York Business School, Dr.Rebecca Biggins, Associate Dean at York Business School said "I am so proud of our students and what they achieved, the ideas presented today reflect the hard work that they have put in over the past three years and how their studies with us have shaped their thinking and prepared them to be future business leaders, I wish them all the best of luck with their future endeavours".

(Image: York St John University)