A YORK-based health and fitness coach is offering a free online class to busy entrepreneurs, coaches and business owners.

Martin Sharp, founder of SharpFit, is running the webinar called How to be Fit for Business, Fit for Life throughout July. The two-hour session aims to show people how they can have a fitter and healthier lifestyle, while freeing up their schedule and boosting their confidence, energy and focus.

People can sign up to the free class now and the next online session is taking place from 5.30pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday, July 17.

Martin, who lives in York, works with busy professionals who want to improve their lives but find it difficult to commit to a rigid exercise and diet.


He said: “I’m looking forward to helping even more people become happier, healthier and higher achieving.

"This online class is aimed at those who want to know the fastest method to gaining the fitness and lifestyle they desire, without the lotions, potions, pills and fads they already know or suspect don’t work.

“Many busy entrepreneurs, business owners and coaches find many of the programmes out there just don’t fit in with their lifestyle. They might travel a lot for work, which can make it challenging to attend in-person classes or commit to doing something at the same time each week.”

Martin knows only too well the negative impact a fast-paced career can have on health. As a successful business consultant, he travelled the world helping major corporations, but he ended up overweight and unhealthy with aching joints and a heart which would race when his stress levels rose.

After five years unsuccessfully trying everything from slimming groups and fitness classes to fat-burning coffee and karate, Martin discovered online coaching. This was the first approach which actually fitted in with his life and he lost 40kg in just one year and felt inspired to start helping others.

The How to be Fit for Business, Fit for Life sessions are being held on:

Wednesday, July 17, 17:30-19:30

Saturday, July 20, 11:30-13:30

Wednesday, July 24, 17:30-19:30

Sunday, July 28, 10:30-12:30

Tuesday, July 30, 17:30-19:30

For details, go to https://www.martinsharp.com/pl/2148295873. Spaces are limited, so advance booking is recommended.