I appreciated the Camera Club image on page 14 of Tuesday’s Press (July 16) showing two red hot air balloons sailing over Clifford’s Tower, sitting proud on its freshly-mown short-back-and-sides motte. Idyllic.

York has early balloon form, with the first recorded successful ascent from near the Minster in August 1786, a mere three years after the French Montgolfier brothers altered the course of history with their first piloted ascent by humans.

I assume that the pair of balloons pictured over the city centre are two of the three that descended in suburbia on Monday near Joseph Rowntree School, Heworth Cricket Club and a field of ‘somewhat taken aback’ horses in Badger Hill.

Nevertheless, a most uplifting experience.

Derek Reed, Middlethorpe Drive, York


Football debt

I wonder how much debt football fans have accumulated, all in the name of sport - and how many children will now ‘go without’ as a result?

Was it really worth it?

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