People shouldn't have to pay 'nasty' green bin tax

FURTHER to Tony Taylor’s letter of July 17, I lived under Leeds City Council for many years, until moving to Monk Fryston.

My neighbour and I now share the green bin charge but for the life of me I can’t understand why the council doesn’t do the same as in Leeds.

They simply stop collecting the ‘green’ garden bins from November to March of each year.

This is such a simple idea and would save the council masses of money whilst people shouldn’t have to pay this nasty extra ‘tax’ on our already stressed pockets.

Paula Denby,

Monk Fryston,

North Yorkshire


BBC should turn tables

HMRC have tried to get Charlie Stayt declared bankrupt over a £190,000 tax bill.

He is without any doubt one of the most rude interviewers on TV so I hope the BBC are going to interview him on morning TV using the same method that he uses when interviewing people.

Lets see how he likes it - but I won't hold my breath as the BBC will probably try to cover it up.

But it would be nice to have the tables turned for a change.

M Horsman,

Moorland Road



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