THE Mayor of York and North Yorkshire has revealed the region’s six key sectors he believes are key to driving economic growth.

York businessman David Skaith acknowledged the region’s core strengths but said inward investment depended on championing sectors where the region  could achieve significant growth, and whose strengths had previously been overlooked.

Speaking following a tour of facilities at York Biotech Campus at Sand Hutton, on Thursday, Mr Skaith said industrial biotech, and agritech are two sectors where the region could be world class thanks to facilities and expertise in the region.

He also singled out rail, manufacturing, creative and digital, and healthy aging as sectors which are already well-established or emerging as strong.


All six sectors have been the subject of research by dedicated specialist sector managers, employed by York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority. The sector managers spent the past year speaking to businesses to understand the strengths of each sector.

Mayor Skaith said: “I’ve seen the innovations taking place here at York Biotech and I know there are similar organisations in the region driving excellence in industrial biotech, and agritech through research and collaboration.

(Image: Gavin Priestley)

“Under the banner of the Invest in York & North Yorkshire partnership, we’re ready to go out and start the conversations which will bring investment into the region.

“The six sectors we want to shine a light on have been identified as potential high growth are areas driven by our region’s unique expertise, geography and facilities.”

Invest in York & North Yorkshire is a partnership of investment experts at York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, City of York Council and North Yorkshire Council, and was established with help from UK Shared Prosperity Fund funding.

Mayor Skaith also announced the launch of bespoke sector-specific marketing assets, including professional videos, to be used by the partnership’s six sector managers when presenting to potential UK and foreign investors.  

He added: “It’s time for York and North Yorkshire to go beyond expectation and to champion our strengths. All of our identified high growth sectors have emerged from who we are and what we are as a place.”

The York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority has been created by the City of York Council and North Yorkshire Council and is a legally recognised, single body.

(Image: Gavin Priestley)

Its role is to use some of the money and powers given to the region from central government’s devolution deal to work with local leaders and communities to invest in ways that will help to improve York and North Yorkshire.

The Combined Authority is led by David Skaith, Mayor of York and North Yorkshire.

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