PUPILS at York schools have been getting a taste of France ahead of the end of the school term.

Year 5 pupils from Knavesmire and Scarcroft Schools in South Bank spent the day at a French Café hosted by Millthorpe School while Year 5 children from Woodthorpe School attended a French Café experience at York High School. All five of the schools belong to York-based South Bank Multi Academy Trust (SBMAT).

Assisted by language teachers and volunteer students from Years 7-9 at Millthorpe and Year 10 at York High School, the primary children learned key French words and phrases associated with food and drink.

The French cafe day at Millthorpe The French cafe day at Millthorpe (Image: Stuart Potter)

In groups, they were then tasked with coming up with a name for their own French Café and designing a stand from which they could sell French snacks and drinks. Parents came along to the events in the afternoon to hear what the children had learned and sample the refreshments, all paid for with French money.

Helen Lupton, modern foreign languages teacher at Knavesmire, who organised the events said: “We had a great day at both Millthorpe and York High; it was lovely to see children and staff from the Trust schools come together and enjoy events based around the French language.

"By the end of both days, the children were conversing in French and engaging in dialogue, posing both as café owners and customers.

"The pupils were thoroughly engaged throughout the day and showed great confidence when speaking in French.”

SBMAT CEO Mark Hassack said: “As a Trust we want to bring the curriculum alive and provide the children with a range of new experiences where they can learn whilst having fun.

"Events such as the annual French Café bring a real-life element to the children’s learning whilst also giving our schools the perfect opportunity to work together. A big thank you to all those who made the French Cafés happen and to the parents who came along to support the events.”