YORK’S newest MP Luke Charters met some of his constituents today at an informal surgery - held at a neighbourhood bakery.

The informal surgery at Haxby Bakehouse was the first of what Mr Charters, the new Labour MP for York Outer, hopes will be a series ‘Chat with Charters’ events in the coming weeks.

He plans to announce each event just 20 minutes in advance on social media.

The idea is to allow constituents to get to know their new MP and share ideas for their community in an informal setting.

Mr Charters will also be holding more traditional MP surgeries at locations across York Outer which will be bookable in advance. Details of the dates and locations of these surgeries will be published in the next few weeks.

Mr Charters said: “It was great to host my first ‘Chat with Charters’ event at Haxby Bakehouse today.

"I spoke to dozens of local constituents. The issues raised included SEND provision in York, the lack of affordable housing available and transport into York city centre.

Luke Charters, right, chatting with constituents at Haxby BakehouseLuke Charters, right, chatting with constituents at Haxby Bakehouse (Image: Supplied)

“I look forward to visiting other communities across the constituency. I want to hear about the issues that matter most to the people of York Outer so I am best placed to represent them in Westminster."

The next “Chat with Charters” event will be announced on Instagram and Facebook shortly before it starts. "Subscribe to my social media to be the first to know when I’m in your local area,” Mr Charters said.

The ‘Chat with Charter's event came just a few days after Mr Charters made his maiden speech in the House of Commons on Wednesday - becoming one of the first new MPs to do so.

Mr Charters spoke of his pride in growing up in the constituency he now represents, before going on to praise the state education he received at Huntington School.

During the course of his speech, he mentioned the Queen Elizabeth Barracks in Strensall; the Villages of Copmanthorpe and Dunnington; as well as Wheldrake and Wiggington.

Mr Charters said: “As the new Member of Parliament for York Outer, I will be tirelessly dedicated to my constituents. I shall be a strong national campaigner when it comes to improving financial services and tackling fraud. I am ready and willing to serve the area that has given me so much.”