York Minster is about to install solar panels on its roof after receiving approval for nearly 200 of them last year.

The ‘imminent’ work to install 184 panels will be carried out by Leeds-based Associated Clean Technologies Ltd.

The minster says as well as reducing the carbon footprint of the much-loved landmark, which dates back to 1361, the project on the South Quire roof area will feature enhanced fire safety measures.

Church officials say installing the panels is a significant milestone part of the minster’s efforts to integrate modern technology within its centuries-old structure.


York Minster’s new solar installation is designed with the latest SolarEdge inverter technology, which it says is renowned for its advanced safety features.

The decision to incorporate SolarEdge was driven by the dual objectives of maximising the production of solar energy, whilst prioritising the safety of the cathedral’s structure and its visitors.

The Very Revd. Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, said: “We are thrilled to integrate solar into our strategy to decarbonise our operation. This installation is not just about harnessing renewable energy; it is about ensuring the preservation of York Minster for generations to come as we collectively seek to reduce our impact on the planet in an increasingly worrying climate emergency.”

Alex McCallionAlex McCallion (Image: pic supplied)

Alex McCallion, Director of Works and Precinct, said: “The safety features provided by SolarEdge technology were a decisive factor in our choice of design. The greatest threat to the fabric of York Minster is now extreme weather events. With this system, we can safeguard our heritage while leading by example as we move towards a more sustainable future.”

Nicola Newby, Operations Director of Associated Clean Technologies Ltd, said: “We are honoured to have been selected to carry out this significant installation at York Minster. Our team has worked diligently to ensure that the project not only meets but exceeds the highest standards of safety and efficiency.”

Last March, City of York Council approved plans for 199 panels, which would generate 75,000 KWH (Kilowatt Hours) annually, about 30 per cent of the minster’s energy use.

The approval followed the application being submitted the previous November. They will make York Minster the first of the major cathedrals to have solar panels installed on its roof.

When approval was granted, the minster also said that in addition to helping meet  daytime power demand, surplus power generated by the panels will be stored in underground batteries and used to power the cathedral’s evening services and events.

There will also be a panel installed within the Minster itself displaying its energy production and carbon savings as it seeks to promote the importance of decarbonisation to the thousands of local, national and international visitors that appreciate York Minster.