At a reunion of 1975 graduates from Newcastle University School of Architecture a number of attendees bemoaned the increasing stupidity of actions in pursuit of ‘net zero’ ambitions.

Some had driven up past swathes of solar panels on Grade A agricultural land. These not only blighted the countryside but were a loss of essential and irreplaceable food producing acreage.

I told them I had a better example, because solar panels were to be installed on the roof of York Minster.

They didn’t believe me. Surely, custodians of a mediaeval cathedral would never desecrate a structure of such heritage with alien solar panels - and even if they were daft enough to propose it the Local Planning Authority would never approve such absurdity? It is just too Monty Python.

Sadly, I had to explain to them it was not a joke but a clear example of net zero madness and virtue signalling from the new cult of climate change (‘Imminent’ start due for the installation of solar panels on roof of York Minster, Press online, July 23).

But at least we can look forward to Gordon Campbell Thomas and his cardboard ‘This is Vandalism’ sign after him emphasising that York Tea Rooms has the same Grade 1 Listing as York Minster.

If a bit of painted lettering on a humble shop is unacceptable then modern solar panels on the finest gothic cathedral in Northern Europe is clearly worthy of his attendance.

Matthew Laverack, architect, Lord Mayors Walk, York