HARRY Potter fans should make tracks for a York park where favourite characters from J K Rowling's classic storybooks have been created from willow.

Amazing sculptures of the likes of Harry, Hermione, and Dobby the house elf are now on show at Homestead Park in York.

There are also willow replicas of Buckbeak, the hippogriff, and Fluffy, Hagrid's three-headed dog.

The venue has showcased several other willow sculptures in recent years - mostly on themes of popular children's stories and heroes.

Characters from Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, C S Lewis's Narnia adventure, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Dickens' A Christmas Carol have all delighted visitors over the years.

Harry Potter wicker statues at Homestead park in York. Photo by Lisa YoungHarry Potter wicker statues at Homestead park in York. Photo by Lisa Young

Thanks to Jon Brownridge and Lisa Young of our Press Camera Club for their photos of the Harry Potter sculptures.

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