Footpath and drainage works on Acomb’s Front Street which also saw the controversial installation of bollards ultimately made it a safer place, a Liberal Democrat ward councillor has said.

Westfield ward’s Cllr Andrew Waller said the Liberal Democrats worked hard to secure the grants used to improve Front Street when they were in the administration which ran York Council.

Cllr Waller, whose ward covers Front Street, added the views of all residents and businesses needed to be taken into account as upgrades move to their next phase.

Cllr Waller’s comments came in response to claims that the installation of around 100 bollards in January last year had wasted hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayer’s money.

Labour Deputy Council Leader Cllr Pete Kilbane said Cllr Waller should apologise for the move which sparked a backlash amongst locals and a campaign to remove them.

He spoke at a council Executive meeting which backed drawing up detailed plans for Phase Two of works to Front Street, funded by a £557,000 UK Shared Prosperity grant.

Plans for the second phase include removing around two thirds of the bollards and replacing them with planters and seating.

More street markets and events could also be put on and officials are set to look at the feasibility of pedestrianising the street.

The detailed plans are set to be put to councillors for a final decision in September.

The bollards were installed during Phase One of the Front Street works when upgrades to footpaths and drainage works took place under the previous council Liberal Democrat-Green coalition.

Cllr Waller said the vast majority of the £400,000 Shared Prosperity grant was used on footpath and drainage upgrades, not the bollards.

Bollards in Front StreetBollards in Front Street

The Liberal Democrat added the council’s highways department should ensure that footpaths are protected as the upgrades move forward.

Cllr Waller said: “The previous Liberal Democrat-led administration worked hard to secure the funding that is key to making Acomb an even better place to work, shop and relax.


“The number of new businesses that have opened in the area recently, and existing businesses opening for longer in evenings, demonstrates that all of the work put in by the council, local businesses and volunteers over recent years to regenerate the area is paying off.

“And the successful Christmas lights in Acomb this year and in previous years shows what can be achieved when businesses and local volunteers work together with a common goal.

“The previous agreement was to join this investment with the enhancements at Acomb Explore and to look at improving the historic part of Front Street on a long term plan.

“This needs to be continued, and linkages to other areas which connect with Front Street towards Acomb Police Station and Acomb Green.”