Clean up York and make us proud again

IT is appalling that the City of York Council has allowed areas of the city to become overgrown with weeds and lack of grass an verge cutting.

The city walls on Station Rise opposite the Grand Hotel are an example of the lack of pride councillors across the political spectrum have for our city, and sends the wrong message to residents and tourists alike.

There are many other areas, such as roundabouts and central reservations which are in a dreadful state despite many having signs of sponsorship.

I appreciate that many senior council officers live outside the city and county and may not have the same view as residents or knowledge on their walk from the station to West Offices, but many of our towns and villages have excellent areas displaying large flower beds. Harrogate and Scarborough for example.

So come on councillors, instruct the officers to clean up the city in order to begin to restore it to former standards and make us proud again.

Ian Gillies,




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