First Bus York treated passengers with contempt

I SEE that once again the First Bus publicity machine has swung into action to inform people that week commencing July 21the timetables have changed again.

I forgot that there is not a publicity department, or if there is, they must have been on holiday.

There is nothing to tell or remind people that the timetable for First buses in York would change on July 21.

Last time when the schedules were altered at the beginning of June there was a notice displayed in the buses saying that there would be a revised timetable and that further details can be obtained by scanning the QR code.

Very good, except you would require a smart phone or another device to read the code, those without such devices and a computer would not be able to know of the changes.

Once again First Bus York have treated passengers with contempt. No doubt they complain that bus usage is not as high as they like, but this is partly down to them.

Operating services that are either not reliable or infrequent will not get people to leave their cars and travel by bus.

Why as citizens of this country are we giving money via the government to a bus company who could not care less about their passengers?

Lastly, I see that the number of trips taken during the day Monday to Thursday scheduled for the No. 10 service Poppleton to Stamford Bridge has again been reduced.

Keep it up First, at this rate we would end up with only one bus a day or none at all - is this their intention?

Tim Short,

Owlwood Lane,




Labour's VAT charge 'smoke and mirrors'

ONCE again we see the Labour Party's smoke and mirror economics.

They are bringing forward the date to impose VAT on school fees and tell us that with the 1.85 billion pounds in revenue they get they will fund another 6,500 teachers - this equates to approx 0.2 of a teacher to each school in the country.

What they omit to tell you these teachers are not new but replacement for the people who leave the profession through retirement or resignation.

This means that this money is already in the budget so the Government actually get 1.85 billion in their coffers to waste on some mad cap ideas.

They never change their stance they just try different methods.

T J Ryder,




We don't need sports involving non-humans

I FEAR that wherever 'dumb' animals are involved in sport - horse and dog racing, show jumping, dressage and so on there are practices which are cruel.

The animals can't tell us and incidents only come to light if recorded. Sometimes animals are trained for necessary jobs such as the amazing guide and hearing dogs but we don't need sports involving non-humans.

Rose Berl,

De Little Court,

Vine Street,



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