A huge red heart appeared on the grass bank below Clifford’s Tower in York.

Artist Marc Sellarès is behind the artwork which was in place on the landmark for a matter of minutes this morning (Saturday, July 27).

He has come to the UK from Barcelona and plans to take the artwork around England and Scotland with him.

Marc told The Press he started his tour in York as he was in the city 25 years ago and the “beautiful image” of Clifford’s Tower has stayed with him ever since.

“When I decided to come on a trip to England and Scotland I thought the best place to start this series was in York,” he explained. “The heart can be seen perfectly from the ground and the slope of the castle is perfect for this work.”

The artist said the heart aims to make people think about the relationship between landscapes and social media.

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Marc explained that he is “concerned” about the pressures put on people to photograph certain landmarks when they visit a city.

Visitors, he said, feel “forced” to take pictures of everything they are told “must be photographed” and put it on social media where they are rewarded with a like, in the shape of a heart.

The heart on Clifford's Tower in York from aboveThe heart on Clifford's Tower in York from above (Image: Marc Sellarès)

“With an exercise in irony, I put a heart in it so that the viewer has less work.”

Marc has now left York and arrived in Edinburgh for the next part of his tour.