A YORK woman who mistook a serious optical issue for having mascara in her eye paid tribute to opticians who potentially saved her sight.

Ruth Cluderay, 46, a school business manager from Acomb experienced black ‘floaters’ in her eye which remained after it was washed.

After receiving internet advice to see an expert she phoned Specsavers who told her to come in straight away for an NHS-funded emergency appointment.

Optometrist partner Stephen McEnaney examined Ruth, realised she had a retinal tear then referred her to the emergency eyecare department at York Hospital.

Ruth said: “It all happened so quickly, from ringing the optician to being booked in for laser eye surgery at the hospital, my eyesight was fixed in a matter of hours.

“I can’t thank Stephen enough, if it wasn’t for his expertise and speedy identification my retina could have fully detached – I potentially would have lost my vision.

“My advice to anyone who suddenly gets black floaters is – call your opticians ASAP.”

Stephen McEnaney said: “When Ruth came in requiring urgent assistance, it was a privilege to be able to identify the issue and take the relevant steps to ensure she was seen right away by the ophthalmology department.

“We're proud to offer free emergency services for anyone facing urgent optical issues.

“If anyone has the slightest doubt about their eye health, or notices a change in their vision, they should seek the advice of an optician straight away.”