A WOMAN with MND from Selby is one of dozens of people with life-limiting illnesses receiving free complementary therapy.

St Leonard’s Hospice in Tadcaster Road in the city is helping people like Julie Pirie, who has motor neurone disease (MND). She says she really enjoyed being pampered by the complementary therapy team. The sessions, along with attending the MND Social in association with MNDA York Group, she says have helped reduce her anxiety.

Despite being slightly nervous at first, she has now had six sessions with the St Leonard’s complementary therapist. Due to having MND, she does not speak, but the complementary therapy, which involved massage and reflexology has helped her relax and reduce her anxiety about her communication issues.

“My initial reaction was going to be say no to the offer of complementary therapy, as at the time I rarely left the house due to my anxiety about meeting people because of my communication issues. But I said yes because I realised a lot of time and effort had been spent to put this support in place,” said Julie.

“I was very nervous at first. In fact, Charlotte, one the hospice nurses, said I looked like I was about to turn around and run away, which made me laugh and instantly put me at ease.

“I had reflexology and afterwards I made my way to where the MND Social group were sitting, I saw some familiar faces sitting there and relaxed as I realised, I could just be myself, and I didn’t have to try to explain anything. To be able to be pampered, sit, relax and chat and make new friends without any pressure is amazing. I have now had six complementary therapy sessions and my anxiety is much better. I now look forward to the social interaction. I am back to being me."

Margaret Webster, complementary therapy lead at St Leonard’s HospiceMargaret Webster, complementary therapy lead at St Leonard’s Hospice (Image: Supplied)
Anyone living in the St Leonard’s catchment area who has been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness can access the service. This covers a large area of North Yorkshire including York, Selby, Easingwold, Pocklington, Helmsley and Pickering. A life-limiting illness includes cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), motor neurone disease (MND), pulmonary fibrosis, COPD, or Parkinson's disease. No prior link to the Hospice is required.

Most of the St Leonard’s complementary therapy is provided in a dedicated therapy room at the Hospice on Tadcaster Road in York. However, it may be possible for the team to come out to people who are unable to travel.

Margaret Webster, Complementary Therapy Lead at St Leonard’s said: “Complementary therapy gives people a bit of time to relax and be themselves. It is a time which is not about their illness, it is simply time for them. It’s also a chance for them to do something they might have enjoyed in the past, but find it difficult to do now."

To find out more visit the St Leonard’s website: https://url.uk.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/iWlzClxyyu2j5R82CG9MSC

Margaret Webster, Complementary Therapy Lead at St Leonard’s HospiceMargaret Webster, Complementary Therapy Lead at St Leonard’s Hospice (Image: Supplied)