A LUCKY York winner tells us how she celebrated her day at the races.

Kathryn Hough, 61, was the lucky winner of The Press and York Races competition last week to win VIP tickets to the Music Showcase weekend – meeting Yorkshire based rockers, the Kaiser Chiefs, after a day of fun in the sun.

Speaking to The Press, Kathryn said: “We had such a good night – the premier lounge was lovely. Our table was a high table, and they thought another couple but would come but they didn’t, so we had it to ourselves. We were the second row from the window directly opposite the finishing line.


“There were seats so you could sit outside, and you could leave your drinks. You could come and go as you pleased. It was also table service which was nice and relaxing.

“It’s quite hard work sometimes at the races, so it was really, really nice - a real treat.”

For her plus one, Kathryn brought along her daughter Sarah – stating that ordinarily, she would have asked her husband, but he was out at the golf course – so the evening ended up being a girls day out.

Shortly before the musical showcase, the pair met the Kaiser Chiefs.

Kathryn said: “I was originally really nervous, but they were really nice. When Ricky Wilson came up to us, he had a cap on and it took us a few seconds to realise it was him – he didn’t seem like how he is on the stage.”

For tickets to future York Races meetings, visit their website.