York Green Party has called for Labour's Transport project funding review to retain funding for rail projects rather than building any new roads.

Transport Spokesperson Andy D'Agorne has said the government's £3.5m contribution towards £24m cost of a new station for Haxby was far more relevant than further dualling of the A64 or the £60m cost of phase 1 of dualling the outer ring road.

Andy D'Agorne said: "Sadly as we see time and time again, a section of dual carriageway from the A19N to the A64 will simply mean longer jams at each end.


"Labour are right to review all major road projects, which should include the A1237, but not start off by axing rail schemes which could help to provide a new public transport option in the Haxby and Strensall area." 

Green MPs have this week spoken out in Parliament against the axing of the 'Restoring Your Railways' Fund, which threatens the Haxby Station project.

Sian Berry MP (who took over from Caroline Lucas as Green MP for Brighton Pavilion) has campaigned on better transport over many years and is now pressing the Labour government on Transport policy, calling for road building funds to be switched to public transport and active travel support to local councils like York.