A major new community fund has been launched in York to help create a ‘healthier and fairer’ city for everyone.

At least £150,000 will be available from later this month thanks to initial investments from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and York Central Ltd.

A launch at the historic Merchant Adventurers’ Hall included leaders from York’s corporate, public and charitable sectors.

The evening began with singing from the KYRA Women’s Project and food prepared by Food Circle, who run a twice-weekly farmers market at Tang Hall.


Thomas Waring of the Two Ridings community foundation about how his group helps the city.

Chief Executive, Celia McKeon outlined the fund’s purpose. She emphasised the need for thriving, connected communities and the critical support that local groups provide, encouraging organisations and individuals to invest in the fund. She said:

“Everyone in this room has things in common and one that brought us together is we all want to live in thriving, connected communities. But that doesn’t just happen. Many people live in deep hardship, persistent deprivation and chronic isolation. And local small community organisations are a lifeline for people living in those situations.

“Those small organisations provide food parcels and emergency support and advice, they provide warm spaces – both literally and emotionally - and they offer opportunity and hope. This is the kind of work that the York Community Fund is here for.”

Stephen Collins from Tang Hall Community Centre spoke about the impact of funding on their community hub.


The Next Door But One community theatre gave a performance before Claire Folae, assistant director of policy and strategy at City of York Council spoke of the city’s needs and the importance of such a dedicated fund for York.

Donations from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and York Central Ltd, enabling grant-making of at least £150,000 in the first twelve months.

With applications open from August 19, the fund aims to support community groups with projects covering equality and human rights, affordability, climate, plus health and wellbeing.

Allan Cook from York Central Ltd said: “We are delighted to be the first corporate supporter of this fund. We truly believe that York Central will be a place for everyone to enjoy. Giving back to the community groups in the city that make life better for local people is very much part of our ethos. I encourage other organisations to get involved. It will ensure people have the best opportunity to thrive in the places where they live and work.”

To donate, go to: Donate to the York Community Fund (tworidingscf.org.uk). For further information, or to speak directly to Celia McKeon, contact 07519 485103

This York Community Fund is a partnership between Two Ridings Community Foundation, City of York Council, York CVS, JRF and York Together. The launch event was sponsored by Hunter Gee Holroyd and LGT Wealth Management.