Four people have been sentenced by York and North Yorkshire magistrates for offences against women or on the roads.

Two were dealt with at York Magistrates Court.

Zac Weathers, 29, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to driving a transit van whilst disqualified and without insurance on James Street, York. He was given a 12-month community order with 100 hours’ unpaid work and a 12-month driving ban. He was ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and a £114 statutory surcharge.

July 30 David Hall, of Hensall near Selby, pleaded guilty to two charges of assaulting a woman and was given an 18-month community order with 25 days’ rehabilitative activities and made subject to a two-year restraining order aimed at protecting the woman. He must pay £400 prosecution costs and a £114 statutory surcharge.

Two were dealt with at Scarborough Magistrates Court. 

Michael Wales, 49, of Station Way, Norton, pleaded guilty to harassing a woman. He was given a 12-month community order with six months’ alcohol treatment and 15 days’ rehabilitative activities. He was also made subject to a three-year restraining order aimed at protecting the woman and ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and a £114 statutory surcharge.

Wayne Rochester, 42, of Rarey Drive, Weaverthorpe near Malton, pleaded guilty to failure to provide a specimen of breath when suspected of being in charge of a vehicle when over the legal alcohol limit. He was given a 12-month community order with six months’ alcohol treatment and 20 days’ rehabilitative activities and banned from driving for six months.